Sunday, 5 October 2014

Mood Board

This is the mood board I made based on the work of Graphic Designer Saul Bass. His work is very simplistic and usually silhouetted shapes placed on very bright and bold backgrounds. His work is usually very disproportionate and abstract. Most of his work is made up of straight lines which gives shapes and text the abstract look. The objects he makes are usually made up of lot of different shapes which don't always connect and are usually things that are easily identifiable to the film he's making a poster/opening sequence for. The usual colour scheme for his work is black/white and usually red or orange but does sometimes use other bright colours such as blue and green. 

Personally I don't find his work visually appealing, i'm not a fan of the mix and matched shapes that build up other objects or the use of mostly straight lines.  I think the idea of using a minimal colour scheme and having objects that are easily identifiable to the movie featured works well as it helps the audience see what the film may be about before seeing it and helps give the audience an idea of what sort of genre the film may be placed in, this can also be supported by the colours used on the poster. 

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